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Asyncronous Serial Communications Package for Turbo Pascal V5.0
Version 1.2 - 06/14/89
Copyright (C) 1989, Rising Edge Data Services
ASYNC12 is a full-featured Turbo Pascal UNIT that provides interrupt-driven
serial communication PC-compatable computers utilizing standard serial port
hardware (INS 8250's or equivalent). Unlike similar offerings for Pascal
programmers, ASYNC12 supports full input and output buffering for up to 4
ports operating CONCURRENTLY, with optional full hardware and/or software
handshaking. In addition, key high-demand subroutines as well as the int-
errupt driver are implimented in assembly language for maximum performance.
Baud rates to 115200 are supported, as well as non-standard rates and all
possible wordsize/parity/stopbit combinations allowed by the 8250 UART.
Features -- Version 1.2
* Supports up to 4 ports simultaneously.
* Completely interrupt driven I/O for greatest efficiency.
* Assembly language used for the interrupt driver and key high-performance
procedures and functions maximize throughput.
* Created as a Turbo Pascal UNIT for ease of use.
* Tight, well-commented, structured code for ease of modification/enhancement.
Includes both Pascal and Assembly source.
* Supports both hardware (RTS/CTS) and software (XON/XOFF) handshaking,
at the user's option.
* 28 procedures and functions in all to minimize programmer design time.
ASYNC12 supports the serial ports mapped at the following addresses and hard-
ware interrupt lines:
Port# Address Interrupt
----- ------- ---------
COM1 03F8h 4
COM2 02F8h 3
COM3 03E8h 4
COM4 02E8h 3
The port addresses may be reassigned by changing the contents of the global
constant array C_PortAddr. For example, to map COM3 at address 3D8h, you
might code it like this (should be done before OpenCom is called) :
C_PortAddr[3] := $3D8;
To change interrupt priorities (i.e. which hardware interrupt line a port
uses), change the appropriate element in the global constant array
C_PortInt. For example, if COM1 is wired to use INT5, make the following
assignment (before calling OpenCom):
C_PortInt[1] := 5;
Finally, the number of ports supported can be changed, although recompilation
of the unit is nessesary in this case. Load the unit and change the constant
C_MaxPort to the highest available port. Then fill in the defaults for
C_PortAddr and C_PortInt as appropriate and recompile the unit.
ASYNC12 will most likely NOT work with multiport boards (like the GTEK PCSS-4
and -8 models) that use one standard COM port address to "multiplex" 2 or more
ports. ASYNC12 WILL support the "currently active port" on such boards, but
does NOT support the port switching mechanisim nessesary for full utilization
of these boards, although it may be possible to modify the code for this.
Available procedures and functions
User-accessable procedures and functions will be listed below along with a
concise explaination of their function. For more complete documentation and
revision information, refer to the Pascal source code.
In all cases: ComPort = Port # to use, range = 1 to C_MaxPort (usually 4).
Procedure ClearCom(ComPort:Byte; IO:Char);
- Clear input (IO='I'), output (IO='O') or both (IO='B') buffers
Procedure CloseCom(ComPort:Byte);
- Close a port previously opened for I/O
Procedure CloseAllComs;
- Close ALL active ports
Function ComBufferLeft(ComPort:Byte; IO:Char) : Word;
- Returns #bytes free in the input (IO='I') or output (IO='O') buffers
Function ComExist(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
- Performs a hardware-based test to determine if a port exists
Function ComReadCh(ComPort:Byte) : Char;
- Get one character from the selected input buffer
Function ComReadChW(ComPort:Byte) : Char;
- Get one character from the selected input buffer, wait for it if nessesary
Procedure ComReadln(ComPort:Byte; Var St:String; Size:Byte; Echo:Boolean);
- Get a string from the selected port. Echoback & simple editing supported
Function ComTrueBaud(Baud:Longint) : Real;
- Compute actual baud rate that the hardware will transmit at
Procedure ComParams(ComPort:Byte; Baud:LongInt; WordSize:Byte; Parity:Char; StopBits:Byte);
- Set baud rate, word size, parity and stop bit options for selected port
Procedure ComWaitForClear(ComPort:Byte);
- Suspend execution until selected port's output buffer is clear
Procedure ComWrite(ComPort:Byte; St:String);
- Send a string out the selected port (place in output buffer)
Procedure ComWriteCh(ComPort:Byte; Ch:Char);
- Place a character in the output buffer of the selected port
Procedure ComWriteChW(ComPort:Byte; Ch:Char);
- Place character in output buffer, waiting for buffer space if nessesary.
Procedure ComWriteln(ComPort:Byte; St:String);
- Send string out selected port with appended CR/LF.
Procedure ComWriteWithDelay(ComPort:Byte; St:String; Dly:Word);
- Send string out selected port, delaying between character transmissions
Function CTSStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
- Returns status of RS232 "Clear To Send" (CTS) signal line (pin 5)
Function DCDStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
- Returns status of RS232 "Data Carrier Detect" (DCD) signal line (pin 8)
Function DSRStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
- Returns status of RS232 "Data Set Ready" (DSR) signal line (pin 6)
Function OpenCom(ComPort:Byte; InBufferSize,OutBufferSize:Word) : Boolean;
- Prepares communications system for I/O on selected port
Function RIStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
- Returns status of RS232 Ring Indicator (RI) signal line (pin 22)
Procedure SetCTSMode(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean);
- Enables or disables built-in CTS hardware handshaking for transmission
Procedure SetDTR(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
- Provides control for the RS232 "Data Terminal Ready" (DTR) line (pin 20)
Procedure SetOUT1(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
- Controls logic level (ASSERT=TRUE for low level) of 8250 OUT1 signal line
Procedure SetOUT2(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
- Controls logic level (ASSERT=TRUE for low level) of 8250 OUT2 signal line.
Used as a redundant mechanisim for controlling 8250 interrupts on PC's.
Procedure SetRTS(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
- Provides control for the RS232 "Request To Send" (RTS) line (pin 4)
Note: Avoid using this procedure if automatic RTS handshaking enabled.
Procedure SetRTSMode(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean; RTSOn,RTSOff:Word);
- Enables or disables RTS hardware handshake for reception
Also controls assert/unassert points when enabled.
Procedure SoftHandshake(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean; Start,Stop:Char);
- Enables or disables XON/XOFF software handshake (transmission ONLY).
Also allows XON/XOFF characters to be redefined.
Variable(s) Type Function
---------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------
C_InBufPtr,C_OutBufPtr C_PointerArray Input/output buffer pointers
C_InHead,C_OutHead C_WordArray Input/output head pointers
C_InTail,C_OutTail C_WordArray Input/output tail pointers
C_InSize,C_OutSize C_WordArray Input/output buffer sizes
C_RTSOn,C_RTSOff C_WordArray RTS assert/drop buffer points
C_StartChar,C_StopChar C_CharArray Soft hndshake start/stop char
C_Status,C_Ctrl C_ByteArray STATUS and CONTROL registers
C_PortOpen C_BooleanArray Port open/close flags
C_PortAddr C_WordArray Base address of 8250 UART for port
C_PortInt C_ByteArray Hard INT line used by UART for port
Status byte definition (C_Status):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| | | | | | | |____ Input buffer empty
| | | | | | |________ Input buffer full
| | | | | |____________ Output buffer empty
| | | | |________________ Output buffer full
| | | |____________________ Input buffer overflow
| | |________________________ Output buffer overflow
| |____________________________ Hard handshake active (xmit stopped)
|________________________________ Soft handshake active (xmit stopped)
Control byte definition (C_Ctrl):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| | | | | | | |____ Enable RTS handshake
| | | | | | |________ Enable CTS handshake
| | | | | |____________ Enable software handshake (xmit only)
| | | | |________________
| | | |____________________
| | |________________________
| |____________________________
|________________________________ Pyrotronics XL3 mode (do not use!)
Files in archive:
ASYNC12.PAS - Pascal unit source code
ASYNC12.ASM - Assembly source for external routines and communications
interrupt service routines.
ASYNC12.DOC - This file
ASYNC12.TPU - Compiled ready-to-use Turbo Pascal V5.0 UNIT
Note to Assembly-language programmers: The ASYNC.ASM source file was assembled
using Borland's Turbo Assembler (V1.0). Since the assembler's IDEAL mode
was used throught, it will require some modifications to the source to get it
to assemble properly with MASM. The ASYNC12.PAS file expects to find the
file "ASYNC.OBJ" in a directory locatable by the compiler (usually the same
dir as the source) at compile-time. The "{$L ASYNC.OBJ}" compiler directive
controls this -- you may change the file path if it suits you.
Yes, this is the place where the standard batch of legalese goes. When trans-
lated into English it usually boils down to "Use of this program is your
responsibility and not ours". Effort has been made to provide software that
is beleived to function as documented, but no guarantees can be made as to
whether or not it will ever work out for you. If this software malfunctions
and, let's say your house or business burns down or blows itself up because
of that malfunction, you're responsible for covering the loss -- not us.
In short, if you use this software, and you experience loss and/or inconven-
ience because of it, tough! (And if the world were populated exclusively by
reasonable people, instead of those types that file lawsuits whenever someone
looks at them the wrong way, time- and space-wasting statements like this
would be unnessesary).
Permission is hereby granted to distribute this package (the "software" ) to
friends, over information networks or through public-domain distribution houses
provided this documentation accompanies it. This software may NOT be
distributed for profit or monetary gain (other than the single-disk asking
price of a shareware distributor used to cover duplication and distribution
costs, not to exceed $10 in any event). Rising Edge Data Services reserves
all copyrights in regard to the software and the accompanying documentation
and may change the software without notice.
With that out of the way, your comments, suggestions, bug reports (and
donations, $20 suggested) are welcome. Any donations will be used to finance
improvements to this and other forthcoming modules.
You may reach me in the following ways:
Via US Mail: Via Modem
------------------------ ---------------------------
Mark L. Schultz Best Power Technology BBS
Rising Edge Data Services Necedah, WI USA
201 Liberty St. Apt. #4 User name: Mark Schultz (or SYSOP)
Mauston, WI USA 53948 Phone: (608) 565-7424
Voice: (608) 847-4287
I can also be reached at the Exec-PC multiuser BBS based in Milwaukee, WI USA
Phone: 414-964-5160. Username: Best Power